Discover Australia’s Great Seafood Industry

Australia has the world’s third largest fishing zone, with a coastline spanning approximately 60,000km, spread over a jurisdiction of 14 million square km. Australia’s marine environment includes all the world’s five ocean climate zones: equatorial, tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, subpolar and polar.

Australian waters contain over 3,000 know species of fish and at least an equal number of known crustaceans and molluscs. Only about 10 per cent of these are commercially fished.

Australian commercial fisheries are very diverse, operating from estuaries and bays, across the continental shelf to oceanic waters and in some cases, on to the high seas. A wide range of species are caught including scallops, prawns, sea urchins and squid, coastal fish such as whiting and flathead, reef fish such as coral trout and oceanic Patagonian toothfish, tuna and billfish.

Fisheries production focuses on high-value export species such as rock lobsters, prawns, tuna, salmon and abalone. Australia is one of the world’s leading producers of wild-caught abalone and rock lobster.

Click below to explore our interactive map, where, you have the opportunity to see the places and meet the people who bring you your sustainable, Great Australian Seafood.


Sought after by the most discerning diners and chefs alike, our Great Australian Seafood is versatile, sustainable, and of the highest quality.

Australia has a worldwide reputation as a supplier of premium, high-quality Great Australian Seafood, produced using environmentally sustainable practices in wild-catch fishing and aquaculture.

From our sustainable rock lobsters and prized abalone to Atlantic Salmon from the pristine waters around Australia’s island state of Tasmania, click here to browse our database of Australian seafood exporters.